“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson


I’m Blue Braun: I’m here and ready to introduce my novel, The Millennial Negro! As of right now, I am setting out to publish this novel traditionally. This site is a great introduction to getting to know a little bit about me, The Millennial Negro, and the sequel I am currently working on. Stay tuned for updates on the publication of my debut novel, and keep in touch about the progress of my sequel. With that said, I hope you enjoy the site. I am so excited for you to have a sneak peek into my novels, and get to authentically know me as an up and coming author.

Blue Braun

This is your website, so take all the space you need to introduce yourself, your process, and your inspirations!

Questions to Build Your Profile

  1. Who is my target audience? Understanding the demographic and interests of your audience will help tailor your bio to resonate with them.
  2. What is my expertise or genre? Define your area of expertise or the genre you write in to establish credibility with your readers.
  3. What makes me unique as an author? Highlighting your unique voice, experiences, or perspective can help you stand out from other authors.
  4. What are my notable achievements or credentials? Include any awards, publications, or relevant experience that showcases your authority in your field.
  5. What is my writing style? Describe your writing style, whether it’s humorous, poignant, suspenseful, etc., to give readers a taste of what to expect from your work.
  6. What inspired me to become a writer? Sharing your journey and motivations can create a personal connection with your audience.
  7. What themes or topics do I often explore in my writing? Discussing the themes or subjects you frequently explore can give readers insight into your work’s overarching themes.
  8. How do I engage with my readers or community? Mention any involvement in book clubs, writing groups, or social media platforms where readers can connect with you.
  9. What upcoming projects or releases do I have? Give readers a sneak peek into your future projects to generate excitement and anticipation.
  10. How can readers connect with me? Provide links to your social media profiles, newsletter sign-up, or contact information so readers can stay updated and reach out to you.
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